Who is Skinned Fawx?
Hi there!
Well to start, my name is Kristen. Most people call me Kris, which is what I've come to go by.
I am female, 27 years old, married to a wonderful guy, and I work from home (obviously lol).
Together, my husband and I own 3 cats, 7 ferrets, a Ball Python, Leopard Gecko and a Fire Skink. Quite a zoo over here, huh lol
When I was younger, I was always fascinated by dead things. Each time we would go to the aquarium or some other exhibit based attraction, I would always buy the random animal part novelties from the gift shops (rabbit pelts, alligator heads, shark tooth necklaces, butterflies in cases, etc). As I hit my teens, I started melting into that "anti-taxidermy/anti-killing/animal rights" phase. PETA can be a powerful force when you're young, naive and don't know any better. Luckily, as I hit my very late teens, I joined a website called DeviantArt.com and started seeing a lot more taxidermy. Some good, some bad. I started researching on what Taxidermy really was and what was involved, and I became more and more interested in it to the point where I began practicing it myself and reading up on offsite taxidermy forums. My first mount was a red fox lol.
7+ years later, here I am, with my own business and a growing customer base.